Verslag ICMA-conferentie


22 - 26 september 2018 - Baltimore, Maryland

Dit jaar vond de jaarlijkse editie van de internationale ICMA-conferentie plaats in ‘Charm City’ Baltimore. Enthousiast om het partnerschap met ICMA verder uit te bouwen en meerwaarde te brengen voor de verdere creatie van onze beroepsvereniging, trokken Colin Beheydt en Borchert Beliën naar Baltimore.


This year's conference will include a special focus on creating smart communities that last and where people of all ages can live and thrive together. ICMA's 104th conference, like those before it, will offer attendees an abundance of innovative ideas and practical strategies for managing local governments in today's complex environment while also providing countless opportunities for professional and personal renewal and networking. Content topics for this year's event includes:

  • Creating Communities That Last
  • Equity and Social Inclusion
  • Not Your Grandparents' Workforce
  • Redefining Community Engagement: From the Couch to Town Hall Meetings
  • Smart Communities: What Are They?
  • The Challenges - and Responsibilities - of Putting Your Well-Being First

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